Our Experience at the “ADHD Clinic” in Andheri West, Mumbai

Paediatric practice is an incredible journey, and sometimes, it throws unexpected challanges. For us, that challange came in the form of getting to care for more and more of our children patients with problems of attention, focus, and hyperactivity. As concerned paediatricians, we started our ADHD clinic, searching for answers and support. Thankfully, our journey led us to the more than thousands of kids with ADHD to have bright future and it was a turning point for many families.


Missing the Signs: When Subtleties Go Unnoticed

Looking back, we now realize the subtle signs many parents, might have missed. Did you know that 1 in 10 children have ADHD according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/index.html). Often, the symptoms like the constant fidgeting, difficulty focusing in school, and frequent meltdowns blend into childhood peculiarities, leading parents to attribute them to normal development or personality traits, that delay parents to seek help.


When should parents suspect ADHD?: Recognizing the Red Flags

While every child develops at their own pace, some red flags can indicate potential ADHD. Here are a few to watch out for:

  • Inattention: Does your child frequently lose or forget things, have difficulty staying focused during tasks, or seem easily distracted?
  • Hyperactivity: Is your child excessively restless, fidgety, or talkative, struggling to stay still even in calm situations?
  • Impulsivity: Does your child often act without thinking, interrupting others, or blurting out answers before questions are finished?


Finding the Right Support: A Lighthouse in the Storm

When parents first walk into our ADHD clinic, they feel the warmth, understanding, and a genuine desire to help. The team, led by Dr Narendra Rathi, MD, DNB with his 34 years of experience, conducts a comprehensive assessment, not just focusing on symptoms but understanding kid’s unique needs and strengths. We constantly update with the latest evidence based trends in ADHD (https://www.healthychildren.org/English/news/Pages/Practice-Guideline-for-the-Diagnosis-Evaluation-and-Treatment-of-ADHD.aspx).


Tailored Solutions for a Brighter Future

The personalized treatment plan isn’t just medication (although that plays a role); it is a holistic approach encompassing therapy, educational support, and even guidance as parents. Parents learn effective communication strategies, classroom accommodations, and positive reinforcement techniques. We follow scientific approach for such kids (https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/).


A Journey of Growth, Not Just Diagnosis

It isn’t an overnight fix, but gradually, children & parents see a transformation. Kid’s focus improves, hyperactivity becomes more manageable, and meltdowns decrease significantly. More importantly, children feel understood and empowered, and their self-esteem blossoms.


Looking Back with Gratitude

Today, our clinic offers comprehensive treatment! Children excel in school, participates actively in sports, and enjoy a healthy social life. We are incredibly grateful to the whole team at the ADHD clinic for their expertise, compassion, and guidance. This 30-year track record of helping children is a testament to their dedication and success.


Your Child’s Potential Awaits

If you suspect ADHD in your child, don’t hesitate to seek help. Early intervention can make a world of difference. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. At Smile Children Clinic in Andheri West, Mumbai, you’ll meet parent support groups dedicated to unlocking your child’s full potential. Let’s start the conversation and create a brighter future for our children, together.