Well Child Clinic

Child Development Center

Who We Are

‘Smile Healthcare, Rehabilitation & Research foundation’ is a charitable trust established in 2015. We are providing multitude of healthcare services to children, running a Smile Child Development Centre (CDC) since 1989  for children with special needs and conducting clinical research on child health.

Smile CDC caters to Neurodivergent population in India underprivileged section of society in central India to provide diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services to physically and mentally challenged children. We have extended our services to 13000 plus children with ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disability, cerebral palsy, speech and audiology defects and scholastic backwardness. We have state of the art child development center and has neuro developmental therapist, special educator, occupational therapist, pediatrician, clinical psychologist, audiologist and speech therapist.

At Smile CDC, physically and mentally challenged children receive various therapies like Speech Therapy, Psychotherapy, Physiotherapy, Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT), Sensory Integration (SI), Occupational Therapy, Hypnotherapy, ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis) for autism, ADL (Activities of Daily Living) & Life Skills development, Early Intervention Therapy/Infantile Stimulation Therapy, Cochlear implant Rehabilitation/Auditory training, Play therapy, Group therapy, Behavioural Therapy, Dance Movement Therapy, Visual Rehabilitation, Family education & support, Counselling and various forms of rehabilitative services.

We have all the equipment, machinery & materials needed to serve these children like Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE) machine, BERA machine, Psychometric testing material, Impedance audiometer, All types of audiometer, Hearing aids: Analog & Digital, Physiotherapy equipment & Sensory integration equipment.

We have an expertise to perform various tests and assessments like IQ test (Intelligence Quotient), DQ test (Developmental Quotient), Developmental screening/ Neurodevelopmental Assessment, Autism test (ASD/Autism Spectrum Disorders), ADHD test (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Dyslexia test (Learning Disability, LD), Behavioral Assessment test, OAE (Oto Acoustic Emission), BERA (ABR, Auditory Brainstem Response, Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry), Impedance audiometry, Free Field audiometry, Behavioral audiometry, Pure Tone audiometry and Tests for Anxiety, Depression, ODD, Conduct disorder.

We are holding regular awareness and diagnostic camps at grass root level in various schools and gram panchayats. This is helping to create mass awareness of heavy but unidentified burden of neuro developmental disabilities in our society.

Our Mission

Every child has the right to attain one’s full potential.

Our Vision

No child with special need should remain without treatment

We Serve

What do we mean by Neurodivergent children or children with special needs or differently abled children? These are children who have special educational requirements due to their disability like learning difficulties, physical disability, or emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Stark numbers: 2.2% of Indian population has special needs, this includes adults and children too. As far as children with special needs below 19 year age are concerned, there are 4.6 million of them in India.  And these are definitely on lower side as many are not brought to notice due to various issues like misconceptions, societal fears or non-availability of diagnosis.

According to the India Census 2011, only about 2/3rd of such children attend schools, when in fact they are no less deserving of an education than any other. With the proper resources, institutes and teachers, a child with special needs can also learn well and be in mainstream.

The dropout rates for such children is even more alarming. While 90% of children with special needs attend primary school, their number drops to about 10% in secondary school and only 2.3% reach higher secondary schools. Another major issue which needs to be addressed is segregation from mainstream schools and social activities of normal children.

We strive hard to overcome all the problems associated with such children.

We Provide

At Smile CDC, we work as a team to provide state of the art and comprehensive child development facilities in a patient and family friendly way. We strive for successful mainstreaming of differently abled children. We provide a complete gamut of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services for children with disabilities and children who need alternate support. Our work environment is professionally managed leading to continuity of care with utmost satisfaction. We serve children with special needs and have catered to 13,000+ children. We have also collaborated with a leading Indian NGO Help age to provide our services to a remote village.

We have various professionals, therapists, management consultant and office staff for guiding and helping patient movement in the most streamlined way.

Developmental Pediatrician : screening developmental milestones, pharmacological therapy, treatment of intercurrent illnesses.

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist (Child Mental Health consultant): Mental health screening along with diagnosis and treatment of anxiety, depression, behavioural problems in children.

Audiologist and speech therapist: performing hearing tests like OAE, BERA, free field, impedance audiometry, speech evaluation, speech therapy for stammering & stuttering, cochlear implant counselling, post implant rehabilitation, hearing aid, management of delayed speech & language development, treatment of hearing impaired.

Physiotherapist & neurodevelopmental therapist: cerebral palsy, paralysis, G B syndrome, global developmental delay, hypotonia, spasticity & rigidity, mental retardation, intellectual disability.

Occupational therapist: rehabilitation with physical aids, activities of daily lining, life skill development, prosthetics & orthotics.

Autism & behavioral therapist: autism spectrum disorders, Asperger syndrome, sensory integration for sensory processing disorders, behavioral therapy.

Child Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist: administering tests for diagnosis of ADHD, Autism, LD, Dyslexia, behavioral assessment, IQ & DQ tests, psychotherapy sessions like cognitive behavioral therapy, REBT, management of psychological disorders.

Special educator: school performance assessment, causes of scholastic backwardness, educational support with modifications, attention & concentration improvement, dyslexia/learning disability management, remedial education for assisting in normal school.