Well Child Clinic

Child Development Center


Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE) machine

OAE machine is a fast, automatic handheld OAE instrument for screening / testing newborn babies, children and adults.

BERA machine

BERA machine /Brain Evoked Response Auditory machine is a confirmatory hearing examination machine for children.

Psychometric testing material

Psychometric testing is a field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement

Sensory integration equipment

Sensory integration equipment include calming & alerting tools, brushing tools, pressure & weighting tools, spinning, rocking & bouncing tools, vibrating, messaging & tactile tools.

Hearing aids: Analog & Digital

A hearing aid is a device designed to improve hearing by making sound audible to a person with hearing loss.

Physiotherapy equipment

Physiotherapy equipments are resistance bands, exercise ball, infra red equipment, shoulder wheel, balance trainer etc

Impedance audiometer

Impedance or immitance audiometry is an objective assessment method of the function of the middle ear.

Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT)

NDT equipment consists of balls, swings, gait assist equipment, balancing equipment etc


IQ test (Intelligence Quotient)

I Q test or intelligence-quotient test is an assessment that measures a range of cognitive abilities and provides a score that is intended to serve as a measure of an individual's intellectual abilities and potential.

DQ test (Developmental Quotient )

D Q test or developmental quotient is used with infants or preschool children, is a numerical indicator of a child’s growth to maturity across a range of psychosocial competencies.

Developmental screening/ Neurodevelopmental Assessment

Developmental screening /neuro developmental assessment is a brief testing procedure designed to identify children who should receive more intensive diagnosis or assessment.

Autism test (ASD/Autism Spectrum Disorders)

Autism test are multiple like MCHAT, CARS, genetic testing etc.

DQ test (Developmental Quotient)ADHD test (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD test is DSM V criteria using assessment for hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention.

6. Dyslexia test (Learning Disability, LD)

Dyslexia/LD test evaluates for reading difficulties (dyslexia), writing difficulties (dysgraphia) and maths/calculation difficulties (dyscalculia).

7. Behavioral Assessment test

Behavioral assessment test is used to identify problem behaviors in children like aggression, disruptive behavior, anger proneness, lying, oppositional defiant behavior .

8.OAE (Oto Acoustic Emission)

OAE test or An Otoacoustic Emissions Test is a form of diagnostic testing for hearing. The test indicates if the cochlear outer hair cells are functioning normally. If a hearing loss is present, this test will help determine what's causing the hearing loss.

9. Impedance audiometry

Impedance or immitance audiometry is an objective assessment method of the function of the middle ear.

10. Free Field audiometry

Free field audiometry is performed on children under 5 years. This is an audiometer which presents the test sounds to the patient through loudspeakers rather than through headphones.

11.Behavioral audiometry

Behavioral audiometry is based on observation of overt responses to controlled auditory stimuli.

12.Pure Tone audiometry

Pure-tone audiometry is a behavioral test used to measure hearing sensitivity. This measure involves the peripheral and central auditory systems.

13.Tests for Anxiety, Depression, ODD, Conduct disorder

Tests for Anxiety, Depression, ODD, Conduct disorder are psychometric tests used to diagnose anxiety disorders, depression and disorders like oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorders.

14. BERA (ABR, Auditory Brainstem Response, Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry)

Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) is an objective and non-invasive method of hearing assessment which detects electrical activity from the inner ear to the inferior colliculus.